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Referring to Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah when searching for rulings and then ruling by them

Referring to Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah when searching for rulings and then ruling by them

Allah (Glorified is He) says, {No, by your Lord, they are not believers until they make you their judge in the disputes that break out between them, and then find no resistance within themselves to what you decide and submit themselves completely} [Surah An-Nisaa: 65] Those who believe in the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) have to adhere to the Islamic Laws and his Sunnah in all problems that arise in their lives, following the rules in total satisfaction and submission. Allah (Glorified is He) says, {When Allah and His Messenger have decided something, it is not for any man or woman of the believers to claim to have [freedom of] choice about it} [Surah Al-Ahzab: 36] It refers to instant submission to what the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) ordered us to do. There is no choice for the Muslim or the need to convince him with regards to these orders. Allah (Glorified is He) says, {So accept whatever the Messenger gives you and abstain from whatever he forbids you} [Surah Al-Hashr: 7]