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The role of intellectuals, thinkers, and people who work in the media in supporting Prophet Muhammad

The role of intellectuals, thinkers, and people who work in the media in supporting Prophet Muhammad
  1. Producing special programs on satellite channels and social media that teach people about the Prophet (peace be upon him) and tell them about his character and noble manners. 2. Produce TV shows that talk about the Prophet’s call, its aim, and its special features. 3. Hold meetings and seminars with unbiased non-Muslims talking about the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Message and increasing awareness of his call. 4. Hold seminars and forums to clarify the way of life the Prophet (peace be upon him) lived and his biography, keeping pace with events on the news. 5. Hold competitions about the biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and allocate valuable prizes for the winners. 6. Write articles and stories about the Prophet (peace be upon him) using a language which is appropriate for today’s readers. 7. Allocate special columns in the daily newspapers and magazines that explain ayahs of the Quran and hadiths that lay down the obligation of loving the Prophet (peace be upon him) 8. Encourage media production companies as well as satellite and terrestrial TV channels to produce programs and special videos about the biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and how he (peace be upon him) dealt with others. All of this should be carried out in a professional and interesting manner.