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What writers and historians have said about Prophet Muhammad

What writers and historians have said about Prophet Muhammad

The American author and historian (James Michener)

James Michener American author and historian [Muhammed, the inspired man who founded Islam, was from an Arab tribe that used to worship idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan, the slave and the downtrodden. Muhammed himself carried out an amazing revolution in the Arabian Penninsula and in all the Middle and Far East. He destroyed the idols with his own hands and established a religion that calls to the worship of one God, removes the severe restrictions that had been forced upon women by the customs of the desert life, and called for social justice. At the end of his days, he was offered the position of a ruler or an honoured person, but he kept stressing that he was nothing but a slave of Allah who Allah had sent to the worlds to warn and also give good tidings] [What they say about Islam]

The American author (Michael Hart)

Michael Hart [My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but I believe that Muhammed was the only man in history who was supremely and clearly successful on both the religious and secular levels…. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history] [The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History by Michael Hart] Michael Hart also said, [He [Muhammed] was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels, and fourteen centuries after him, his influence is still powerful and pervasive]. [Ibid] Moreover, he added, [There is no written Message in history that has remained, letter for letter, without any alterations, but the Quran which Muhammed conveyed to the people] [Ibid.]

The British historian (Arnold Toynbee)

[A contemporary British historian most of whose studies focused on the history of civilizations, his most well-known book being ‘A Study of History’] Arnold Toynbee British historian [Muhammad devoted his life to fulfilling his mission in ensuring these two aspects of the Arab society (namely, the monotheistic belief as well as laws and a legislative system). This actually came about thanks to the comprehensive system of Islam, which combined both the belief in one God and the implementation of Islamic legislation…Thus, Islam became a strong driving force which was not limited to fulfilling the needs of the Arabs and changing them from an ignorant to a civilized nation. In fact, Islam spread to beyond the borders of the Penninsula, conquering Al-Sham (the area bordering the Mediterranean) and then extending from the plateaus of the Atlas mountains to the shores of the Eurasian steppes] [A Summary of A Study of History] He also said, [His follows have been greatly impressed the biography of the Arab Messenger, and they considered his character as being very noble. Consequently, they believed in his Message with a faith that made them accept what was revealed to him as well as his actions which are recorded in the Sunnah (collection of sayings, deeds and silent approvals of Prophet Muhammed) as a source of Islamic law. This way of life was not limited to organizing the Islamic society, but it also organized how the Muslim liberators should deal with the non-Muslims who, at the beginning of the call, outnumbered them] [Ibid.]

The American writer (Will Durant)

Will Durant Author of the book ‘The Story of Civilization” [[B]ut no one seems to have bothered to teach him [Muhammed] how to read or write…and Mohammed was never known to write anything himself…but this did not prevent him from acquiring such understanding of the management of men as seldom comes to highly educated persons] [The Story of Civilization]

The German author (Franz Rosenthal)

Franz Rosenthal Author of the book “A History of Muslim Historiography” [The truth remains: The Messenger himself placed the seeds from which we derive a broad interest in history. History used to greatly occupy the Messenger. And his work in general helped Islamic history to grow in the future, although the Prophet did not predict the tremendous growth of knowledge and science that was made in the name of his religion] [A History of Muslim Historiography]

The Scottish writer (Thomas Carlyle)

[Scottish writer, author of the book “On Heroes”] Thomas Carlyle A famous Scottish writer [What negates the claim of those who say that Muhammed was not truthful with regards to his Message…he spent the height and vigour of his youth in a quiet, reassuring life [with Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with him)], and he did not try to spend it in partaking in any major or critical events whose basic driving forces are the love of fame, pride and authority. It was only after his youth had left and he started to have grey hairs that he accepted this weighty responsibility and he began to work for a noble and great ideal] [Heroes] He also said, [I love Muhammed because of his innocent nature which was free of any narrow-mindedness and affectations. He was a son of the desert who held his own personal views, did not depend on anyone but himself, and did not used to say anything about himself which was not true. He was not proud but at the same time was not weak. He wore patched clothes, as Allah found him wearing (when he was first sent as a Prophet) and as he himself wanted to continue to wear. He himself addressed great leaders: The Caesars of Rome and the heads of foreign states, guiding them to what they needed for this life and for the Hereafter. He understood his abilities, was determined, and never left any task to the next day] [Ibid.]

University professor (Claude Cahen)

[Professor of Islamic History at the Faculty of Arts in Strasbourg University [1945] and in Paris University] [Historians now attribute to Muhammed many admirable qualities which made him very enthusiastic and dedicated in promoting good morals and intellectual values among the people with whom he lived. At the same time, he was able to adapt his Message according to the nature of the people and their traditions, understanding such traditions and arranging them in an appropriate way in order for the Message he brought to remain for all time. We must consider Muhammed with high esteem and respect because of the divine revelation he received, his ability to give solutions for the problems of humanity as a whole and to overcome his own personal difficulties.]